INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENT - 8 hours (virtual or onsite)
The cultural keys to a successful expatriation.
Formation créée le 24/05/2023. Dernière mise à jour le 09/11/2023.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
Objectifs de la formation
- Promote and develop an in-depth understanding of those cultural values and codes linked to the social and professional environment of the destination country.
- Examine the economic and geopolitical situation of the host country.
- Discover then transpose a range of intercultural skills and knowledge to the specific context of the destination country and global environment.
Profil des bénéficiaires
Pour qui
- International Managers
- Any employees
- Employee's family
- International students
- None
Contenu de la formation
Presentation of the program and training objectives:
- Promote and develop an in-depth understanding of those cultural values and codes linked to the social and professional environment of the destination country.
- Examine the economic and geopolitical situation of the host country.
- Discover and then transpose a range of intercultural skills and knowledge to the specific context of the destination country and global environment.
- Presentation of pedagogical objectives: The transfer of knowledge and acquisition of skills is achieved via a range of hands-on activities proposed during the training session + the realization of concrete action plans
Individual Perspectives
- Company and participants' expectations and objectives.
- “Gapsmoov” profile debriefing: “Country Navigator” is an online tool which allows the individual to establish his or her own cultural preferences and then to generate comparisons with people and cultures having different mindsets and frames of reference
National Culture
- The Essentials underpinning the culture of the destination country and all that contribute to its uniqueness. A comparative survey of concordant and diverging points with an individual’s own culture
- Understand the principal differences between his or her own culture and that of the host country whilst also having acquired enough autonomy in the process of researching necessary complementary information
- Identify how his or her own values and behavior could be interpreted in the host country context
- Determine, when faced with unexpected reactions or behavior, whether or not they are linked to cultural differences and thus via styles switching adapt to circumstances where appropriate.
Corporate Culture
- Highlighting the relationship which exists between culture, values, behavior, etc. and how they impact notions of management and leadership styles.
- Give concrete examples of necessary adjustments required in terms of managerial approach.
- Apply intercultural methods of communication effectively
- Recognize the principal professional and social differences which exist in the host country
Daily life
- Presentation by a resource person, living in the host country of the practical aspects of daily life. A practical guide to daily living covering topics such as socializing, schooling, health, hobbies, traveling around, etc..
Efficient International Adjustement process
- The process of cultural adjustment: From Euphoria to Irritability, via Adjustment and Adaptation.
- Strategies to facilitate the adjustment process and also to prepare for the homecoming.
- List those actions to be undertaken at each stage of the expatriation process
- Identify potential problems and appropriate strategies for overcoming them
- Acknowledge the advantages linked to the expatriation experience
Wrap up
- Finale Q & A session - Checking knowledge transfer and those pedagogical objectives have been achieved
- Evaluations of the training session
Équipe pédagogique
Subject matter experts in the local business culture
Ressources techniques et pédagogiques
- Access to our online platform for the whole duration of the training period. Possibility to access important cultural information about the target culture as well as take additional training modules on the target culture.
Capacité d'accueil
Entre 3 et 10 apprenants